I. What is 3D laser scanning?

Laser scanning is a popular surveying method that can accurately measure and collect data from objects, surfaces, buildings, and landscapes. Laser scanners collect information as point cloud data, consisting of millions of 3D coordinates (XYZ coordinates).

The history of laser scanning goes back to the 1960s. In the beginning, the equipment was basic, consisting of a camera, projector, and light. These early scanning systems took a long time to process the data. Then, in 1985, these simple scanners were replaced by the LiDAR system – high-quality scanners that use laser beams and shading to collect data regarding objects and surfaces.

Modern laser scanners can collect detailed point clouds, and with point cloud processing software, these datasets can generate digital 3D models of the scanned environment.



II. How does laser scanning work?

3D laser scanning these day involves much more advanced technology than it did in the 1960s. Today’s laser scanning processes use laser beams, advanced sensors, Global Positioning System (GPS), Units. inertial measurement unit (IMU), receiver electronics and photodetector. Using all these components, laser scanners can accurately calculate coordinates of surfaces and structures.

First, the laser scanning system emits light waves from surfaces and bounces back to the sensor. The sensor then calculates the surface distance by measuring the time it takes for the light beam to complete its journey. This process is known as “time of flight” measurement. The measured distance is then used to calculate the coordinates for the small part of the surface hit by the laser. All of this happens in just a few seconds, and in one scan, the laser scanner collects millions of 3D coordinates.

As the point clouds from the laser scan are processed, they form a digital model of the scanned surfaces, showing the dimensions and spatial relationships of topographic features and structures.


3D Scan Laser
OneBIM Solutions
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