Goal: After the course students can gain the following knowledge
Skills:  – Understand BIM technology and benefits of BIM technology for construction
 – Understand how to model structural in Revit
 – Understand how to create structural members (columns, beams, foundations, etc.) advanced
 – Understand how to QTO  from a 3D model
 – Understand how to set up technical drawings from 3D models
 – Understanding how to work central team in Revit
Time:  – 10 sessions (2.5 hours each session)
Lesson 6: Link files from autocad
 – Guide to importing files from autocad to Revit
 – Set standar link files from autocad to Revit
 – Set up properties autocad files on Revit
Lesson 7: Schedule element
 – Guide to creating schedule element off (columns, beams, floors, foundations, etc.)
 – Guide to using tool “Filter, Sorting/ Grouping/ Formating” to table schedule element
 – Guide to creating formulas  in schedule table
 – Guide to creating types of rebar
 – Guide to placing reinforcement for components (columns, beams, floors, walls)
 – Guide to creating labels for reinforcement types (Group labels and distance rebar labels)
 – Guide to creating technical drawings for reinforced concrete structures (Columns, beams, floors, foundations …)
Lesson 9: Create “Family” complicated
 – Guide to importing family in family and convert parameter from family to other family
 – Guide to group “Family Generic model “ and “Generic model face base” to creating family complicated
 – Example:
  + Guide to creating “Family” Foundations complicated
  + Guide to creating “Family” Beams complicated
  + Guide to creating “Family” bolt complicated
  + Guide to creating steel connect
Lesson 10: Creating “Family” 2D
 – Guide to creating family 2D to using drawing layout (symbol drawing)
 – Guide to rebar 2D type to use easy for drawing layout and QTO
Lesson 11: Linking files and working central team
 – Guide to working link files model revit
 – Guide to working central team in Revit