Goal: After the course students can gain the following knowledge
Skills:  – Understand BIM technology and benefits of BIM technology for construction
 – Understand how to model MEP in Revit
 – Understand how to create MEP members
 – Understand how to QTO  from a 3D model
 – Understand how to set up technical drawings from 3D models
 – Understanding how to work central team in Revit
Time:  – 15 sessions (2.5 hours each session)
Lesson 1: What is BIM?
 – Understand the benefits of BIM in construction and application of BIM-serving software
 + Visual information model
 + Quick rendering of technical drawings, quick technical drawing editing
 + Caculate QTO quickly and exactly
 + Control clash between  (Architecture – structure – MEP) during construction
 + Simulation of construction methods
 + Project progress control
 + Control cost  of project
Lesson 2: Basic model element structural and architecture
 – Guide to creating elevation system and grid system for new project
 – Guide to model archtectural basic (wall, door, window…)
 – Guide to model structural basic column, beam, floor…)
Lesson 3: ACMV system
Guide to set up teamplate for ACMV
 – Guide to creating ACMV editing parameters and placing ACMV
 –  guide to creating ACMV family
 – Example practise ACMV
Guide to set up teamplate for pipe
 – Guide to creating pile editing parameters and placing pipe
 – Guide to creating pipe family
 – Example practise pipe:
 + Example practise fire prevention and fighting system
 + Example practise fire prevention and fighting chilled-water pipe
 + Example practise Refirgerant piping works – AC Drain piping work
Guide to set up teamplate for electric
 – Guide to creating electric system editing parameters and placing electric system
 – Guide to creating  Cable Tray system editing parameters and placing  Cable Tray system
 – Guide to creating  electrical conduit system editing parameters and placing  electrical conduit system
 – Guide to creating electric family
 + Example practise Cable Tray system
 + Example practise electrical conduit system
 – Guide to in place family
 – Guide to in place family Annotation
 – Control views in model 3D
Lesson 8: Export technical drawings
  – Guide to setting lines and patterns for objects
 – Guide to line weight in “View Range”
 – Guide to ceatin “line weight” and types of line
 – Guide to creating demention types and size text in drawing layout
 – Guide to seting template for all drawing layout
 – Guide to creating anotetation label for element on drawing layout
 – Guide to create drawing layout
Lesson 9: Schedule element
 – Guide to creating schedule element off (columns, beams, floors, foundations, etc.)
 – Guide to using tool “Filter, Sorting/ Grouping/ Formating” to table schedule element
 – Guide to creating formulas  in schedule table
Lesson 10: Linking files and working central team
 – Guide to working link files model revit
 – Guide to working central team in Revit